I can’t wait to release this beautiful episode into the world. It was a conversation that was seamlessly co created by two souls being open, honest and raw. I honestly felt like I was going down a rabbit hole of an epic healing journey led by Alice herself. I really hope you guys enjoy this one!
From the compounding lab to the consultation office, Dr. Jenna W. Clack prides herself on finding new and innovative ways to naturally help the human body achieve neurohormonal homeostasis. Through an advanced understanding of epigenetics, hormonal pathways, methylation, detoxification, and metabolic & functional medicine, Jenna’s approach has been utilized by patients and practitioners alike.
Jenna’s pharmacy background began over a decade ago, at age 18, working at an independent compounding pharmacy in the Texas hill country. From there, she gained her Doctorate of Pharmacy from The University the Incarnate Word (San Antonio, TX), and soon after completed her advanced fellowship in Anti-Aging, Metabolic & Functional Medicine.
Currently, Jenna and her family of five reside in southern Costa Rica, where they own/operate a Space creation company centered around holistic healing and mental wellness. Here, Jenna has been able to apply her advanced wellness education to the realms of plant medicine, alternative treatments, and a myriad of other holistic therapies.
Whether it’s balancing hormones or clearing mental blocks, Jenna brings a unique and proven methodology to every situation through epigenetics and personalized consultations. Rather than fitting patients into pre-destined medical protocol, she treats patients accordingly; as individuals. Using practical scientific tools, deep contextual intelligence and empathetic application at the soul level, Dr. Clack serves synergistically in every interaction entertained.
You may connect with Jenna (aka JDubya) via the following platforms and offerings:
Online Longevity Lifestyle Education and Consultations: www.clackthecode.com (on Fb and Insta too 🙂
Space Creation for Empathetic Health Care Providers and their patients www.espaciosinnombre.com (Fb and Insta too )
Jenna’s Persona @jdubya (Facebook and Instagram)
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Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
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