Ginger Mango Bedtime Shake

As I was feverishly working on finally launching this website (as so often happens, once I got the ball rolling, there was no stopping it!), I knew I had to keep the hunger at bay and made a quick shake from items readily available in my fridge/freezer. I also have suggestions of what to substitute with for vegan options.


  1. 1 cup plain cultured kefir, buttermilk, or yogurt (Vegan option: coconut milk or any nut/soy milk of choice)
  2. 1 cup frozen mango chunks
  3. 1 Tbs minced ginger (I used my homemade ginger-honey-lemon mix, see next recipe)


  1. Mix all together in blender (I used single-serve Ninja cup)
  2. Enjoy!

The ginger is good for immunity and digestion, the mango for a quick pick-me-up, and the cultured milk for some calcium which is a good sleep aid. It sounds oxymoronic, but it’s exactly what I needed at this late hour of work, yet so close to my bedtime.


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