Want to Love the Skin You’re in?

marina buksov

They say beauty is only skin deep, but I disagree.   I believe beauty is an outward expression of inner health.   Although it is certainly in the eye of the beholder, and many cultures and different eras had different standards of beauty, the underlying thread of beauty is related to the inner state of […]

S04E18 – The Spiritual Journey to Personal and Public Health w/Dr. Adeola Oke

Today, I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Ifeyinwa Ezeudu, a scientist, pharmacist and medical doctor. Dr. Ezeudu started her journey in Nigeria as a scientist in the laboratory setting, before getting her pharmacy degree in the Philippines. She attended Southwestern University in Cebu, Philippines, as the best graduating student in the entire college […]

Forget Multi-Tasking, Accomplish Way More with Single Minded FOCUS

This has been on my brain for the past little while (and I’ve been seeing some others post about it recently, so it’s definitely a collective energy!)   As a pharmacist, I consider myself a master at multitasking.   Who else can prioritize handling emergency cases, processing prescriptions, being on the phone with doctors and […]

The Truth About Investing in a Coach

A lot of aspiring coaches are hesitant to invest in coaching themselves.   I know, because I had the same hesitations and reservations.   At the end of the day, it comes down to fear of responsibility.   I realized I was afraid to invest in myself, because it would then be my responsibility to […]

S04E16 – Personalized Coaching for Patient Advocacy w/Dr. Phyllis Kamau

Today, I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Ifeyinwa Ezeudu, a scientist, pharmacist and medical doctor. Dr. Ezeudu started her journey in Nigeria as a scientist in the laboratory setting, before getting her pharmacy degree in the Philippines. She attended Southwestern University in Cebu, Philippines, as the best graduating student in the entire college […]

How to Survive Motion Sickness While Traveling in a Foreign Country

Not everything you see on my page or in my life is picture perfect. I struggle with what “success” means to me, and often feel like a failure.   But what often helps me, is reminding myself to take DEEP BREATHS. This is exactly the technique I used to survive motion sickness while traveling in […]

S04E15 – Writing Your Own Path w/Dr. Frieda Wiley

Today, I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Ifeyinwa Ezeudu, a scientist, pharmacist and medical doctor. Dr. Ezeudu started her journey in Nigeria as a scientist in the laboratory setting, before getting her pharmacy degree in the Philippines. She attended Southwestern University in Cebu, Philippines, as the best graduating student in the entire college […]

Lessons Books Can’t Teach: Pura Vida

Hola, I’m back from my first-ever LIVE retreat in Costa Rica!   There are a lot of things I miss already:   -the beautiful place I got to call home for a short while: an intentional living space built on the premises of sacred geometry   -fresh deliciously cooked, perfectly seasoned meals inspired by “Tico” […]

S04E14 – Getting Mindful with Our Health w/Dr. Matmon Harrell

Today, I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Ifeyinwa Ezeudu, a scientist, pharmacist and medical doctor. Dr. Ezeudu started her journey in Nigeria as a scientist in the laboratory setting, before getting her pharmacy degree in the Philippines. She attended Southwestern University in Cebu, Philippines, as the best graduating student in the entire college […]