Stress-Busting Chocolate Walnut Truffles
This recipe was adapted from Carly Wertheim of Carly’s Wellness Kitchen from our class on herbal stress busters at Radicle Herb Shop
Rhubarb Apple Jam Keeps the Doctor Away (and Keeps Things Moving!)
Use as topping for crackers/cookies/cakes/bread or any other way you use jam!
Homemade Electrolyte Water to Quickly Rehydrate
Store in mason jars and refrigerate for up to 3 days (especially if fruit were used)
Fruit and Berry Infused Punch
Easy to make, easy on your stomach, delicious and nutritious! Very hydrating to drink all year long, plus the fruit pulp can be eaten or added to desserts afteward
Raw Vegan Rhubarb Strawberry Pie
For the crust, combine ingredients in food processor (I use Ninja). If too dry, add some water and/or some more dates. When the texture is a evenly sticky, it’s ready
3-Herb Vegan Pesto
Garnish with a sprig of fresh herb on a nice dish and serve on some gluten-free crackers or as a spread for sourdough bread!
How To Make Kombucha
Boil water to fill ¾ of your main jar; transfer to spare jar
Add white cane sugar, preferably raw and organic
Raw Chocolate Pudding
Blend until smooth and creamy texture achieved. You may add a bit of coconut oil to help make it richer
2-Ingredient Pancakes
Peel bananas and mash in bowl. Crack and mix in two eggs.
Parsley-cilantro Detoxifying Pesto/Hummus
Grind sesame seeds to get sauce-like consistency (skip if using Tahini sauce) in food processor or high-speed blender