It’s so amazing to spend some time in the country, especially when you’re a resident of an urban city. It’s instantly relaxing the second you cross the boundary. The breath slows and deepens automatically, and therapeutic in more ways than one. Not only is the air less congested and filled with fuel exhaust, smog, and pollution, but there are more trees helping to produce oxygen and aromatic compounds to help open up the lungs. Evergreens and cedars contain thujone and other essential oils that are beneficial for the airways, as well as have antimicrobial properties.
This weekend I got a chance to stay at Gather Wild Ranch in Germantown, NY. I highly recommend their ‘glamp’ tents, which you can rent out. They’re like glamourous tents built on wooden elevated platforms, right on camping grounds. There’s an outdoor kitchen, composting outdoor toilets, and access to a full kitchen and indoor house as well. A swimming hole is not far away, and goats are kept by the owners as well. There’s a lot to explore, such as the bustling plant life in the surrounding forests, and a lot to enjoy between the picturesque surroundings, views of the mountains, smell of the air, and feel of the grass under your feet (but watch out for ticks!).