(The date by Soviet standards is written as: 9th of May, 1945.)
Today is the anniversary of Victory Day, the day celebrated by the former Soviet Union of the end of WWII, and the defeat of the Nazi forces. Since the victory became official late evening on May 8, 1945, in Europe – it was already May 9 in Russia, so that is the date commemorated. Each year this day is held in deep respect and honor by all who have lost family members or ancestors to the cause. Countries of the former Soviet Union generally have the day off, and honor the military – past or present. Parades are held in many countries, the most notable of which is probably in Red Square in Moscow, Russia.
I don’t know of anyone of Russian or former Soviet Union heritage who doesn’t celebrate or honor this holiday in some way. It is a deeply moving, somber and commemorative holiday, but it also gives hope of sacrifice that allowed millions more to live, of good thriving over evil, of peace prevailing after war.