This luxurious, warming drink combines ceremonial cacao, coconut milk, and a pinch of cayenne to stimulate circulation, open the heart, and set the mood for love—whether it’s self-love, romantic connection, or just a cozy moment with yourself.
My name is Marina Buksov and I am a licensed pharmacist (PharmD) in the State of NY, a holistic health coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), mental fitness coach (PQ) and an herbalist (Arbor Vitae).
I use my multidisciplinary background to educate about the least invasive and most natural methods for healing the spirit-body-mind.
My specialty is helping health care professionals self-actualize their healing gifts by incorporating natural and herbal medicine.
This program is for medical professionals who want to start a holistic wellness business that incorporates plant medicine. It will give you the basic knowledge and understanding on how to procure and use herbs, how they interact within the body, and how to incorporate them into a holistic wellness routine for yourself and your clients. In addition, it will teach you the steps of setting up your business structure. Gain the confidence and clarity to run it with Holistic Herbal Educator Marina Buksov!
Positive Psychology and Positive Intelligence are two distinct yet complementary
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be another “Hallmark” card holiday
As we stand at the threshold of a brand-new year,
The winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night
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